
  • Admin, 13 May 2020

Paranormal is the view of society so far about someone who uses the power of the sixth sense to see something far ahead. But there are certain people who are able to do that and are able to see things that are not able to be seen by ordinary people. These "certain people" are already called paranormal.
The use of the term "paranormal" has developed to refer to "things that are occult or magical". For example "paranormalists" (people claiming to be paranormal)

Psychics are from Greek. "The" means "outside" or "beyond", and "normal". Paranormal means something outside the normal or beyond normal things. Definitively, paranormal is a term used for all kinds of psychological phenomena, experiences or events that appear to have a relationship with the soul (psike) or mind (mind), and which cannot be explained by the principles of physics.

There are a number of people involved in psychics. For people who have paranormal abilities among which there are mediums or intermediaries, paragnost (for parapsychic symptoms), and parergast (for paraphysical symptoms).
People who have this 6th sense there are various kinds, among others: Clairvoyance, Astral Projection, Indigo Children, Mediumship, Fortune telling, Ghost hunting, Indigo children, Mediumship, Precognition, Retrocognition, Psychic, Telepathy. We will discuss one by one at SPARSA about many things about the paranormal world.

Best Regards,

Sparsa Team